Schaeffer Moly Roller Chain Lube is an anti-wear, extreme pressure lubricant formulated for use on medium to high speed roller chains found in automotive, industrial, farming, construction and mining applications. Blended from a unique formula of penetrating oils, extreme pressure additives and rust and corrosion inhibitors, Moly Roller Chain eliminates chain stick/slip motion, quiets noisy chains, quickly produces flexible chain action and will not swell or shrink O-rings. Capable of withstanding pressure up to 500,000 psi, Schaeffer Chain Lube quickly and effectively penetrates pins and bushings reducing wear, chain stretch and dripage of the product into processing and production areas. Moly Chain Lube is free of chlorinated solvents that are considered detrimental to the environment and is safe to use in non-processing areas of food, foodstuffs and beverage processing applications where a USDA H-2 or NSF H-2 rated chain lubricant is required